Christian Smith, Razi Zaidi, Jagmeet Bhamra, Anna Bridgens, Caesar Wek, Michail Kokkinakis Subtalar arthroereisis for the treatment of the symptomatic paediatric flexible pes planus: A systematic review. EFORT Open Rev 2021;6:118–129. DOI: 10.1302/2058-5241.6.200076
Wek C, Chowdhury P, Smith C, Kokkinakis M. Is the Gothic Arch a reliable radiographic landmark for migration percentage in children with cerebral palsy? J Child Orthop. 2020 Oct 1;14(5):397-404. doi: 10.1302/1863-2548.14.200008. PMID: 33204347; PMCID: PMC7666799.
Kay RH, Noble JJ, Johnston L, Keevil SF, Kokkinakis M, Reed D, Gough M, Shortland AP. 3D ultrasound to quantify lateral hip displacement in children with cerebral palsy: a validation study. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2020 Dec;62(12):1389-1395. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.14647. Epub 2020 Aug 18. PMID: 32812217.
Buddhdev PK, Sabir A, Kokkinakis M, Irving M, Norman-Taylor F.
Hip displacement in Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome: Report on three cases and review of associated musculoskeletal pathologies.
Am J Med Genet A. 2020;182(6):1449-1453. doi:10.1002/ajmg.a.61573
We Dick A, Magill N, White TCH, Kokkinakis M, Norman-Taylor F.
C-reactive protein: what to expect after bony hip surgery for non ambulatory children and adolescents with cerebral palsy.
J Pediatr Orthop B. 2019 Apr 3. doi: 10.1097/BPB.0000000000000634. [Epub ahead of print]
Z Harb, M Kokkinakis, H Ismail, G Spence
Adolescent hallux valgus: a systematic review of outcomes following surgery.
Journal of Children's Orthopaedics 04/2015; 9(2). DOI:10.1007/s11832-015-0655-y
D Kader, N Caplan, M Kokkinakis, R Refaie, J Loughead
Constrained condylar knee systems: A review of five commonly used brands.
The Open Orthopaedics Journal 6(2014);8(1) 01/2015; 2(1). DOI:10.1016/j.jajs.2014.12.001
Pengas IP, Assiotis A, Kokkinakis M, Khan W, Meyers P, Arbuthnot J, Mcnicolas MJ
Knee osteochondritis dissecans treated by the AO Hook Fixation System: A four year follow-up of an alternative technique.
Open Orthopaedics Journal 2014; 8:209-14
Crompton T, Lloyd C, Kokkinakis M, Norman-Taylor F The prevalence of bifid iliopsoas tendon on MRI in children. Journal of Children’s Orthopaedics. 2014 June 1 [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 24880816
Petratos D, Kokkinakis M, Ballas T, Anastasopoulos J Prognostic factors for premature growth plate arrest as a complication of the surgical treatment of fractures of the medial malleolus in children. Bone and Joint Journal. 2013 Mar;95-B(3):419-23.
Konstantoulakis CE, Petratos DV, Kokkinakis M, Morakis E, Anastasopoulos NJ Initial diagnostic approach of the irritable hip in childhood: is ultrasound really useful? Acta Orthop Belg. 2011 77;603-608
Kokkinakis M, Darmanis S, Anastasopoulos S, Zagkas I, Karliaftis K Multiple stress fractures: A case report Journal of medical cases 2011 Feb;2(1): 1-3
Jones S, Alnaib M, Kokkinakis M, Wilkinson M, Gibson A, Kader D Pre-operative patient education reduces length of stay after knee joint arthroplasty. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2011 Jan;93(1):71-5
Kafchitsas K, Kokkinakis M, Rauschmann AM Effect of lumbar disc replacement on the height of lumbar disc space and on facet joint articulation in sagittal plane: a cadaver study. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery – British Volume April 1, 2010; 92-B(4): 595 - 601.
Rughani M, Kokkinakis M, Davison M Learning from errors. Preoperative surgical marking: a case of seeing double. British Medical Journal Case Reports. Feb 2010; doi:10.1136/bcr.11.2009.2489
Kokkinakis M, Ashmore A, El-Guindi M Intraoperative complications using the Bio-Transfix femoral fixation implant in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery. 2010 Mar;130(3):375-9
Dabasia H, Kokkinakis M, El-Guindi M Haematogenous infection of a resurfacing hip replacement following transurethral resection of the prostate. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery – British Volume. Jun 2009; 91-B: 820 – 821
Kokkinakis M, Hinsche A, Rajeev AS Spontaneous intraneural haematoma causing acute neuropathy of the median nerve. Journal of Hand Surgery - European Volume. 2009 Apr;34(2):280-1
Singisetti K, Kokkinakis M, Shankar N Penetrating injury of the hand with a door handle: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2008 Dec 8;2(1):377.
Kokkinakis M, Kafchitsas K, Rajeev A, Mortier J Is MRI useful in the early follow-up after autologous osteochondral transplantation? Acta Orthopaedica Belgica. 2008 Oct;74(5):636-42.
Kokkinakis M, Rajeev A, Newby M, Graham D An unusual presentation of a giant tumour-like lesion of the thigh. Acta Orthopaedica Belgica. 2008 Jun;74(3):421-3.
Kokkinakis MC, Bebbington A, Black PR Symptomatic fibular non union after union of accompanying tibia shaft fracture. Injury Extra. Volume 37, Issue 3, March 2006, p: 135-137
NJ Holloway, M Kokkinakis, R Duncan Reliability of angle measurements in the paediatric ankle. Bone and Joint Journal 2014. 96(B): 5-5
M Kokkinakis , D Petratos, P Anastasopoulos, J Anastasopoulos Prediction of Growth Pattern in Surgically Treated Salter-Harris III and IV McFarland Fractures. Journal of Children’s Orthopaedics 2012. 6(Suppl 1):9
M Kokkinakis, K Kafchitsas, A Rajeev, J Mortier, M Engelhardt The use of mri scan in the early follow up of osteochondral autografting in traumatic and degenerative defects of femoral condyles and talus. Bone Joint Surg Br 2012 Vol. 94-b No. Supp IV 52
P. Diaremes, MC Kokkinakis, A.A. Kurth, K Kafchitsas Correlation of the volume of injected cement using cement augmented pedicle screws with their pullout strength. a cadaver study. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2011 vol. 93-B no. SUPP III 366
P. Diaremes, M.C. Kokkinakis, A.A Kurth, K Kafchitsas The role of insertion length of pedicle screws on their pullout strength. a cadaver study. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2011 vol. 93-B no. SUPP III 366
S Jones, M Alnaib, M Kokkinakis, M Wilkinson, A St Clair Gibson, D Kader Preoperative patient education reduces the length of stay following knee arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2010 vol. 92-B no. SUPP III 418-419
M.C. Kokkinakis, K. Kafchitsas, A. Rajeev, J. Mortier, M. Engelhardt MRI followup results (1 to 4 years) after autologous osteochondral transplantation in traumatic and degenerative defects of femoral condyles and talus. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2009 vol. 91-B no. SUPP I 20
M C Kokkinakis, A S Rajeev, M AlNaib, N S Shankar, S Batey, D F Kader Rapid recovery programme for primary total knee replacements - a one year prospective study. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2009 vol. 91-B no. SUPP III 425
Kokkinakis MC, Kafchitsas K, Rajeev A, Mortier J, Engelhardt M MRI follow-up results (1 to 4 years) after autologous osteochondral transplantation in traumatic and degenerative defects of femoral condyles and talus. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - British Volume. 2009;Vol 91-B, Issue SUPP_I, 20
M.C. Kokkinakis, S. Murray, C. Gerrand Conservative treatment of pathological fracture of the proximal femur. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2008 vol. 90-B no. SUPP II 404
Smith C, Zaidi R, Bhamra J, Wek C, Bridgens A, Kokkinakis M Subtalar arthroereisis for the treatment of symptomatic paediatric flexible flatfoot 38th European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society Meeting, Tel Aviv, 2019
Wek C, Chowdhury P, Smith C, Kokkinakis M Is the Gothic arch a reliable radiographic landmark for the migration percentage in children with cerebral palsy? 38th European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society Meeting, Tel Aviv, 2019
Z Harb, M Kokkinakis, H Ismail, G Spence Adolescent hallux valgus: a systematic review of outcomes following surgery. British Orthopaedic Association, Liverpool September 2015
NJ Holloway, M Kokkinakis, R Duncan Reliability of angle measurements in the paediatric ankle. Glasgow Meeting of Orthopaedic Research (GLAMOR). May 14, Glasgow
Kokkinakis M, Petratos D, Anastasopoulos P, Anastasopoulos J Prediction of GrowthPattern in Surgically Treated Salter-Harris III and IV McFarland Fractures. European Pediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS). April 12, Helsinki
Morakis E, Petratos D, Kokkinakis M, Anastasopoulos P, Anastasopoulos J Treatment of femoral fractures in children using intramedullary nails and external fixators. A comparative study. Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (HAOST). October 11, Αthens, Greece
Kokkinakis M, Habermann B, Augat P, Kurth A, Kafchitsas K Bone Loss Adjacent to a Mid-Diaphyseal Fracture in Ovariectomized Sprague- Dawley Rats can be Partially Diminished with Strontium Ranelate and PTH 1-34. Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (HAOST) October 10, Αthens, Greece
Kokkinakis M, Magiorkinis G, Anastasopoulos S, Karliaftis K, Chatziandreou A, Kasimos D Chronic low back pain in young adults. Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (HAOST) October 10, Αthens, Greece
Diaremes P, Kokkinakis MC, Kurth AA, Kafchitsas K Correlation of the volume of injected cement using cement augmented pedicle screws with their pullout strength. A cadaver study. Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (HAOST) October 09, Salonica, Greece
Diaremes P, Kokkinakis MC, Kurth AA, Kafchitsas K The role of insertion length of pedicle screws on their pullout strength. A cadaver study. Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (HAOST) October 09, Salonica, Greece
Kokkinakis M, Ashmore A, El-Guindi M Intraoperative Complications Using The Bio-Transfix Femoral Fixation Implant In Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Etiology And Prevention. Conference of International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery &Traumatology (SICOT) October 09, Pattaya, Thailand
Kafchitsas K, Kokkinakis M, Rauschmann MA Influence of the lumbar disc replacement on the height of the intervertebral space and on facet joint articulation in sagittal plane. A cadaver study. Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (HAOST) October 08, Αthens, Greece
Kafchitsas K, Kokkinakis M, Geiger F, Rauschmann MA Ventral Vertebroplasty of adjacent segments after corporectomy and vetrebral body replacement to prevent cage subsidence. Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (HAOST) October 08, Αthens, Greece
Kafchitsas K, Kokkinakis M, Rauschmann MA The first results of a newly developed cement augmented pedicle screw. A retrospective analysis. Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (HAOST) October 08, Αthens, Greece
Kokkinakis M, Kafchitsas K, Mortier J, Zichner L Clinical and radiological evaluation of osteochondral auto-grafting in traumatic abd degenerative defects of knee and ankle. A retrospective study of 1 - 4 years. Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (HAOST) October 08, Αthens, Greece
Kokkinakis MC, Rajeev AS, Al-Naib M, Shankar NS, Batey S, Kader DF Rapid Recovery Programme - A One-Year Prospective Study For Primary Total Hip Replacements. Conference of International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery &Traumatology (SICOT) August 08, Hong Kong
Kokkinakis MC, Rajeev AS, Al-Naib M, Shankar NS, Batey S, Kader DF A One-Year Prospective Study Of Rapid Recovery Programme For Primary Total Knee Replacements. Conference of International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery &Traumatology (SICOT) August 08, Hong Kong
Kokkinakis, Batey S, Graham D, Banaszkiewicz P, Kader D A holistic approach to reduce length of stay for primary total hip replacements patients. European Federation National Associations Orthopaedics & Traumatology (EFORT), May 08, Nice, France
Kokkinakis MC, Kafchitsas K, Rajeev AS, Mortier J, Engelhardt M The use of MRI scan in the early follow up of osteochondral autografting in traumatic and degenerative defects of the femoral condyles and talus. British Orthopaedic Association Congress (BOA). September 2007, Manchester, UK
Kokkinakis MC, Kafchitsas K, Rajeev AS, Mortier J, Engelhardt M The significance of the radiological outcome of early follow-up results after osteochondral autografting in traumatic and degenerative defects of femoral condyles and talus. Conference of International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery &Traumatology (SICOT). August 2007, Marrakech, Morroco
Kokkinakis MC, Kafchitsas K, Rajeev AS, Mortier J, Engelhardt M Results of osteochondral autologous transplantation in the knee joint. Conference of International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery &Traumatology (SICOT) August 2007, Marrakech, Morroco
Kokkinakis MC, Gerrand CH Prophylaxis against infection in orthopaedic oncology. An online survey. British Orthopaedic Oncology Society Meeting (BOOS) July 2007, Stanmore, UK
Kokkinakis MC, Kafchitsas K, Rajeev A, Mortier J, Engelhardt M MRI follow up results (1to 4 years) after autologous osteochondral transplantation in traumatic and degenerative defects of femoral condyle and talus. European Federation National Associations Orthopaedics & Traumatology (EFORT) May 2007, Florence, Italy
Kokkinakis MC, Mortier J, Abt HT, Engelhardt M The results of autologous osteochondral transplantation in ankle. German Association of Orthopaedic Foot Surgery April 2002, Regensburg, Germany
Jefferies D, Lidder S, Weston-Simons JS, Kokkinakis M, Spence G An orthopaedic emergency! Staphylococcus aureus panton-valentine leukocidin (Staph PVL) infection: A case series report of three patients. Conference of International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology (SICOT). November 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Kokkinakis M, Spence G, Gough M, Norman-Taylor F Pre-operative assessment of children with multiple co-morbidities scheduled for orthopaedic surgery. A clinical improvement project. British Orthopaedic Association (BOA), September 2014, Brighton
Kokkinakis M, Shah A, Alamelu J, Spence G, Gough M, Norman-Taylor F Benchmark standards for pre-operative haematological screening for children with multiple co-morbidities scheduled for orthopaedic surgery. King’s Health Partners Safety Connections Conference, May 14, London
Petratos D, Kokkinakis M, Papagiavis A, Anastasopoulos P, Anastasopoulos J Salter Harris IV fracture of distal radius with associated carpal dislocation Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (HAOST) October 11, Αthens, Greece
Kokkinakis M, Romoudis B, Derdelakou S, Garsioudis G, Zagkas I, Karliaftis K Multiple stress fractures in a young military trainee. Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (HAOST) October 10, Αthens, Greece
Al Naib M, Kokkinakis M, Rajeev A, Kader D, Kashyap S Rapid recovery programme for primary total knee replacements. A one year prospective study. European Federation National Associations Orthopaedics & Traumatology (EFORT). June 09, Vienna, Austria
Kokkinakis M, Ashmore A, El-Guindi Mv Intraoperative complications using the bio-transfix femoral fixation implant in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Aetiology and prevention. European Federation National Associations Orthopaedics & Traumatology (EFORT) June 09, Vienn, Austria
Kokkinakis MC, Kafchitsas K, Rajeev AS, Mortier J, Engelhardt M Results of osteochondral autologous transplantation in the ankle joint. A follow up of 1-4 years. European Federation National Associations Orthopaedics & Traumatology (EFORT). May 08, Nice, France
Kokkinakis M, Batey S, Graham D, Banaszkiewicz P, Kader D The efficiency oa a rapid recovery programme after primary total knee replacements. European Federation National Associations Orthopaedics & Traumatology (EFORT). May 08, Nice, France
Kokkinakis MC, Rajeev AS, AlNaib M, Shankar NS, S Batey S, Kader DF Rapid Recovery Programme For Primary Total Knee Replacements - A One Year Prospective Study. British Association for Knee Surgery (BASK), April 08, Bournemouth, UK
Kokkinakis MC, Hinsche A, Rajeev AS, Newby M, Graham D An unusual presentation of a tumour like lesion of the wrist. British Orthopaedic Oncology Society Meeting, July 07, Stanmore, UK
Kokkinakis MC, Rajeev AS, Henry JA, Newby M, Graham D A rare cause of a massive lesion of the thigh. British Orthopaedic Oncology Society Meeting (BOOS), July 2007, Stanmore, UK
Kokkinakis MC, Murray S, Gerrand CH Conservative treatment of pathological fractures of the proximal femur. Two case reports. British Orthopaedic Oncology Society Meeting (BOOS) July 2006, Edinburgh, Scotland